Local Services Skelmersdale
Please find below a list of free local services. The services are provided to support our community so please do not hesitate to call them and ask for help. If you need support with contacting them please come into the school and we will help you.
Domestic Abuse
NEST - 0300 111 0323 - Supporting children living with domestic abuse
Liberty Centre - 01695 50600 - Domestic abuse support for parents and children
Family support
ADHD North West - reception@ADHDnorthwest.org.uk - Supports families/behaviours at home
Birchwood Centre - 01695 - 728391 - Supports with counselling, mental health, parent and child conflict, single parent support, housing, finances etc
Child and Family Well-Being Service Hayley McIlory - 07814696812 or Hayley.Mcilory@lancashire.gov.uk - Supports families and can signpost to other services
Homestart - 01257- 241636 or enquiries@homestartcentrallancashire.org.uk - Supports families including behaviour
Park Children's Centre - 01695 554435 - Provides TRIPLE P PARENTING course (challenging behaviour), FREEDOM course (adults who have experienced domestic violence) and RESPECT (Young person’s programme, supporting parents with children displaying abusive behaviours)
Mental Health
CAMHS - 01695 684262 - Support with Mental health referrals/ASD/ADHD diagnosis
CANW - 01254 244700 - Support for young carers and children with emotional/social difficulties
Compass - Sarah Duncumb 07502 305011 or Sarah.Duncumb@COMPASS-UK.ORG
Lancashire MIND - training@lancashiremind.org.uk - age 8 upwards to support mental health - Self-harming workshop
SEN support
ADHD North West - reception@ADHDnorthwest.org.uk - Supports families/behaviours at home
CAMHS - 01695 684262 - Support with Mental health referrals/ASD/ADHD diagnosis.
Twinkle House - 01695 455625 or services@twinklehouse.co.uk - Supporting children with SEN/sensory needs/self-esteem/relaxing and chilling skills
Twinkle House can provide sleep support which must be referred through a GP/paediatrics - Claire Brogan/Tina Duffy - 01695 455625 or sleepadminsupport@twinklehouse.co.uk
School nursing team- 0300 247 0040 or vcl.019.singlepointofaccess2@NHS.net (referrals to health, support at home).
Please see the timetables of events below.