Pupil Support Manager


Hello everyone and welcome to the Thrive room!

My name is Mrs Hall and I am the Pupil Support Manager for St Edmund's Catholic Primary School.

My job includes various roles within the school. I am a member of SLT and oversee attendance, medical issues, behaviour, safeguarding, mental health and implementing the Thrive approach as a licensed Thrive practitioner. My favourite part of my job is working with children and their families.

I offer support within school and can refer to organisations where additional support may be needed. This may be via Early Help Assessments and subsequent team around the family (TAF) meetings or making a direct referral to COMPASS Bloom (to support low mood or anxiety). We have strong links with the pupil attendance support team (PAST), school nursing team and children and families (CFWS) to name but a few and aim to support you and your child in the best way we can.

Within school, we use the Thrive approach. Thrive is an accredited programme that supports children's emotional and social development. All members of staff are trained in the Thrive approach. By using the Thrive approach, we at St Edmunds want to ensure our children's emotional and social needs are better understood and met and they feel safe, supported and ready to learn. 

This whole school approach to wellbeing helps improve behaviour, attendance and attainment- getting the best outcomes for your child. Thrive has been developed over the last 25 years and is underpinned by 4 key areas including : attachment theory, child development theory, neuroscience and play, creativity and the arts.

Children are assessed using a right-time approach (age appropriate) and then Thrive lessons are tailored around the needs of that class. These assessments look at the children's emotional and social development. These assessments then provide myself with information about those children who may need a little bit more support- I will then do some 1:1 or small group work sessions with them using a reparative approach (this identifies children who may have gaps in their emotional/social development) 2 to 3 times per week for at least a term, this allows me to build a relationship with the child and support them effectively.  All sessions take place in the Thrive room which you can see below.

Thrive Room






Pastoral Support Policies

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