Prayer and Liturgy is a time when we come together as a group either as a class or as a whole school and take time to be at peace with ourselves, each other and God.  It allows us to reflect on our lives, our actions and the type of person we want to be.  Prayer and Liturgy is completed every day and is focused on a specific theme.

Every class uses the same structure. We gather, using prayers or actions or music. Then, we listen to scripture, readings and/or poems. After that, we respond by doing something or saying a prayer together. Finally, we go forth by reflecting on the scripture and taking this forward into our work throughout the day.

Every child has access to a collective worship area in the classroom which includes a prayer focus and the class prayer book, as well as Bibles and Come and See resources relevant to each class. Every day, each child says our School Prayer to reinforce our Catholic ethos. It also acts as a reminder of how we live our lives in school through Jesus’ love and reflects our Mission Statement by us believing that we treat each other with Consideration, Care and Courtesy.

School Prayer

Dear Lord, 

We ask for your blessing on our St Edmund's Family. With Jesus as our role model, give us the faith, the courage and the strength to help us treat each other with Consideration, Care and Courtesy,  so that everyone feels loved and cared for. 


Our meeting prayer is said each time the children and adults meet to discuss the future of the school at either governors' meetings or student council meetings.

Heavenly Father,

Bless us as we come together for this meeting in our school.

Fill us with your spirit and courage so that we might bring our talents and gifts to this important work.

Open our minds to the task at hand.  Open our ears to each other.  Open our hearts to your will.

We make this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.


Collective Worship

Collective Worship 2023








Year Five and Six children planning and delivering Collective Worship












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