Welcome to Class Year Five & Six

In our class we have 23 spectacular children (10 Y6 & 13 Y5), who are all unique and every one of them has a very special role within our St Edmund’s family. Our classroom staff are: Mrs Buckley (Classroom teacher & Assistant Headteacher) and Miss Hughes, who supports our child.


Evidence suggests that children who read for enjoyment every day develop a broader vocabulary, increased general knowledge and a better understanding of other cultures. They also develop a good command of the English language; which impacts dramatically on their writing capabilities. Therefore, reading is a very important part of our school day at St Edmund’s and we try to expose the children to a wide spectrum of texts to encourage a love of reading. (See our ‘Brilliant Book’ list for alternative books to read a home). We also have our ‘Reading Plus’ to help the children enhance their reading skills.

At home, we expect the children to have read with an adult/older sibling at least 3 times week. Help for parents and prompts to use during a reading session at home are available.

During the school week, each child reads daily, whether that be with an adult, within a lesson, independent reading time (ERIC) or within a guided reading session. Guided reading takes place every day; one session a week is teacher-led and the other sessions are tasks based around the text the children are reading. The children work within a small group structure to analyse a text in detail, making sure each child can read each word and discussing meaning of the text with them.

If any child is identified as requiring more support in reading, arrangements will be made for extra support every day with reading.


Thursday indoor/outdoor (weather permitting)

Indoor - Outdoor – (warmer weather) pumps, burgundy shorts and a white t-shirt. (Colder weather) tracksuit or outdoor leisurewear, outdoor training shoes.

Thursday / Friday (changes according to our forest school cycle) - Swimming: towel, swimming cap, full swimming costume (girls), swimming shorts, not board shorts (boys), suitable coat with a hood for walking.


We have a number of rewards systems in class and in school to praise the children for their hard work, attendance and for making good choices. These include house points, raffle tickets for outstanding behavior and effort, as well as whole school awards (St Edmund’s Standard & Growing together in God’s family) and our Reading Challenge award.


In UKS2, each child will have 10- 15 spellings every week; these spellings will have been rehearsed and applied in school in conjunction with our spelling programme ‘Ed Shed’.


In Year 5/6, our children have handwriting sessions throughout the week to rehearse letter joins and practice their handwriting. Pupil's use joined handwriting throughout their independent writing, with a looped join for specific letter joins. Handwriting is taught with the aim of increasing the fluency with which pupils can write down what they want to say. This, in turn, will support their composition and spelling.

Useful links for Y5/6:

Each link will open in a new window.



ICT Games website - English games



Oxford Owl - Reading and Maths

BBC Bitesize KS2

CrickWeb - English games

Topmarks website - English games

Everyschool website - all areas of English

Books online

 English 4 Kids - printable worksheets

Fun English Games Website - games and printables

The School Run website - information and printables about KS2 English





BBC Bitesize KS2 Maths

Family Learning website - place value



Crickweb website - maths games

Primary Games website - Maths

Cool Maths website - games and printables

Mad4Maths - tips on how maths is taught

Mathszone - actvities and games

Maths playground - games and activities

Maths Champs - online games

DLTK Maths - printable activities


http://www.mad4maths.comMaths is fun - printable worksheets


Other Subjects

Family Learning website - internet safety

Think U Know website - esafety ages 8-10

BBC Skillswise - English and Maths for adults

BBC Schools website - links to all subjects

Education Quizzes - all subjects

Woodlands Junior School - information and links for all subjects

Funology website - games, crafts, cooking

How Stuff Works Website - information about science, technology and history

BBC Primary French

BBC Newsround - current events for children

Childline - Bullying pages

Year Five and Six Reading Information

Year Five and Six Spelling Information

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