At St Edmund’s Catholic Primary School, there is a school-wide commitment to raising achievement for all pupils.  The pupil premium is additional funding given to schools to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and to close the gap between them and their peers.     

We strive to provide the best possible education for all our pupils by focusing on the following bullet points:

  • To close the attainment gap in Reading, Writing and Mathematics between groups of pupils
  • To continue to improve confidence, independence and self-esteem for all pupils
  • To continue to improve the wider opportunities available for all our pupils
  • To continue to improve attendance and punctuality for all pupils
  • To continue to develop parental engagement, support and partnership work to remove barriers to learning
  • For all pupils to achieve in all aspects of the curriculum
  • For all pupils to be proud of their achievements

The following Pupil Premium Statement explains how we are spending our premium this year.  It is a working document and will be evaluated by the governors and SLT. The document will be evaluated each term.  It's impact will be measured at the end of the year by evaluating the achievements of Pupil Premium children.  The Pupil Premium Statement will be re-newed every academic year.

Pupil Premium

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