The name of our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo) is Mr Rob Brearley.

The SENDCo is a teacher who is responsible for supporting members of staff, parents and pupils in meeting the additional needs of all children. They have received specialised training in co-ordinating SEND across the school. The SENDCo is available to share the progress of your child at parents' evenings, drop-in sessions and IEP reviewsIf you have a worry or concern about your child’s learning, then the SENDCo will be happy to talk to you.

Please contact the school to arrange a meeting:

Phone 01695724042 or


The named Governor with responsibility for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities is Mrs Sue Oates.

If you wish to speak to Mrs Oates, she can be contacted through the school.

Our Local Offer provides information about how we support children with SEND. This includes information on access to our school and facilities within the school as well as information on how children with SEND are provided for in school and the classroom to ensure that they have access to the curriculum.

SEND Documents

The Local Offer for Lancashire can be accessed by clicking here.

Or you can go to their Facebook page by clicking here.

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