At St. Edmund's Catholic Primary School,  we place the child at the centre of all we do; 'the child first, always'.  Our ultimate aim is to develop the full potential of all our children, leading to their life-long activities being guided by the Spirit and presence of Christ, in the service of God and of others. 

Our Catholic school is a welcoming and safe community, concerned with the education of the whole child.  We strive to help them achieve their full potential and aim to equip them with self-confidence, drive, compassion and resilience in both their journey with us, and as they move onto their next stage of learning.

We ensure that all children know and feel they are part of many families, their own family, the school family and God's family.  We want them to know they belong and that they are cared for.  We want them to be the best that they can be.

Catholic Life 2024-2025

During our school MacMillan Coffee, parents, grandparents, aunties and uncles attended and helped to raise £137.  Thank you to St. Edmund's Family for your support.

World Food Day - 16th October 2024







World Food Day took place on Wednesday 16th October 2024.  We had an assembly, spoke about those who did not have food and collected food for our local food bank.  Thank you to the community of St. Edmund's.

Poppy Appeal 2024


We have remembered those who have died in the war by taking part in a special collective worship, being silent for 2 minutes and buying poppies.

Catholic Life 2023-24

MacMillan Coffee Morning 2023




During our school MacMillan Coffee, parents, grandparents, aunties and uncles attended and helped to raise £183.  Thank you to St. Edmund's Family for your support.

Year Three and Four Forest School 2023




Our Year Three and Four children enjoy learning about the environment and how to make a wormery.

Year Five and Six Forest School 2023





The children have been enjoying forest school, the children have experimented by making raisin bread to toast on the fire. Some children also tried whittling and sawing.  They have made their own garlic and rosemary butter to dip our bread into.

Remembrance Day




We have been remembering those people who died in the First and Second World War and those wars which have happened since.  We have raised money for the Royal British Legion by selling poppies. We came together during a collective worship and prayed for peace.

Celebration Assemblies



Every week, we celebrate our children's successes by presenting awards including Consideration, Care and Courtesy Award and St. Edmund's Standard.

EYFS Forest School 2023




EYFS enjoying their visit to forest school. The children are enjoying the awe and wonder of chasing rainbows, bug hunting, pirate ship building and making bird feeders. They learnt how to stay safe in the area; especially around the fire circle.

Christmas Jumper and Dinner Day




Our school community celebrating Christmas together by having dinner.  The children have also raised money for Alder Hey by wearing their Christmas jumpers.  The children chose Alder Hey because they wanted to raise money for a local children's charity.  Well done children.

St. Paul's Christmas Tree Festival 2023




The children took part in the local Church of England Church, St. Paul's, Christmas Tree Festival.  The children thought about those people whom they loved and drew a picture of them on a heart.  This heart was placed on the Christmas Tree and created 'The St. Edmund's Christmas Tree of Love'.

Year Four Holy Communion Activity











During the communion program, the children were introduced to the theme of prayer. The children were given a prayer book.  When in school the children were given a seed to plant and care for, this would remind us that prayer is like a seed it blossoms when cared for, our faith grows when we pray. 

Scarves donated by the community





A member of our church community made scarves for our children.  The children were very happy with them.  Thank you.

Chinese New Year


We have been learning about other cultures and celebrations.  We have been learning about the Chinese New Year.

The chicks have arrived in EYFS





The EYFS children have been learning about new life.  They welcomed nine chicks into the world and learned how to look after them.

St. Paul's Church of England - Stations of the Cross










We were welcomed to St. Paul's Church to share the story of Easter by thinking about the stations of the cross.

Easter Raffle and Bake Sale




We have had a weekly bake sale and an Easter raffle.  We have raised money for CAFOD, the children of Gaza and the Holyland and the school fund.  Thank you parents for your support.

Our Easter Bonnets and our Decorated Eggs


Year Six Forest School 2024




Y6 enjoyed their last-ever forest school today. They went out in style! Hot dogs, s’mores and handmade sweet bread. They’ve learned so many skills over the years thanks to Rachel’s knowledge. We hope they continue to love the outdoors and put their skills to use in the future.

Catholic Social Teaching















Our CAFOD volunteer has been into school, to explain to all our children about Catholic Social Teaching demonstrating how we should use Catholic Social Teaching to make decisions and live our lives.

Visit from the Dentist






Our children had a visit from the charity Dentaplan to discuss the importance of looking after our teeth.  Thanks Jacob for teaching us.

World Children's Day
















Our children have been learning about other children around the world and the challenges they have in their lives.

Holy Communion 2024




Congratulations on receiving your First Holy Communion. 

Welcome Meeting






Welcome to our new Reception Children.  Each child has made a special leaf to add to our St. Edmund's Family Tree, you are now part of our special St. Edmund's Family.

Certificates of Participation 2023-24


Catholic Life 2022-23


Lenten Cake Sale 2023



During Lent, we had a weekly cake sale.  The children from one year group brought cakes in from home and sold them to the rest of the children.  The money raised was used to send educational books to Africa through the charity ‘Books for Africa’.

Water Race 2023


Throughout the year the children take part in fundraising activities for the school.  The money is used to fund special visitors and trips.  Here we are taking part in our yearly water race.

Weekly Awards Assemblies


We have a weekly awards assembly where we celebrate all the good things which have happened in the school during the week.  This includes awarding a special award for our mission statement:  Care, Consideration and Courtesy Award.

People who help us!



We have been learning about all those people who help us.

Sports Competitions


We enjoy taking part in competitions as our school family.  We support each other and encourage each other.  During the SHARES swimming gala, we are always the loudest school cheering for our friends.

Our St. Edmund's Stars


Every half term the teacher chooses two children from their class who have been following the school rules and school mission statement.  They are 'Our St. Edmund's Stars', who are rewarded with a McDonald’s meal.

Forest School


Every week we take part in Forest School, we are taught about how to respect the world around us which God has given us.

Holy Communion


Every year children take part in receiving their Holy Communion.  The school celebrates their success.

The King's Coronation



We have been celebrating special occasions this year together, such as the King’s Coronation.  We learned about King Charles and then had a party.

The Chicks


The children in EYFS have been learning to look after and respect God’s creatures.  The children watched the chicks hatch from the eggs and made sure they were fed and watered.

Easter Celebration 2023










We remember Shrove Tuesday by having pancakes and writing Lenten Promises.  We thought about how we could change ourselves and always do the right thing.  We tried to keep our Lenten Promises during the time of Lent.

We received the ashes on Ash Wednesday.

We celebrated Easter by watching Year Three and Four perform the Easter story helping us to understand the importance of Jesus dying on the cross.

We then had an Easter Bonnet and Egg Decoration competition.

Litter Picking



We have been helping to look after the environment by picking up litter.  We wrote letters to the council discussing the litter which can be found around the school.

Christmas Celebrations 2022








During the time of Advent, we made promises that we shared with our classmates.  We tried to think of ways we could help our school community. 

During Christmas, we raised money for ‘Save the Children’ by wearing Christmas Jumpers and having a Christmas Café.  During the Christmas Café, we shared mince pies with our parents and sold Christmas decorations. We also enjoyed our Christmas dinner.

We raised money for McMillian nurses by having a Coffee Morning.  We sold cakes, tea and coffee and raised money to help those families who live with cancer.

Other Faiths






We learn about other faiths during our RE lessons.  We learn about Judaism, Hinduism and Islam.

Certificates of Participation

























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