Class Teacher

Mrs Nickson


Welcome to Year 1 & 2.

I am so excited to have you in our class this year. You are going to have so much fun learning and playing with your friends whilst developing lots of new and exciting skills. We will be busy transforming into writers, athletes, artists, musicians, designers, builders, scientists, mathematicians, historians and who knows what else!

During this year you will feel supported, challenged and determined to reach your goals. Please do not be afraid to ask questions as that is what learning is all about! You will make mistakes (and so will I!) and you will not understand everything straight away.

Remember to try your best and be resilient.

Never give up!


Below is some information about our class routines and expectations which I hope you will find useful.


The start of the day:                                                             

Doors open at 8:45am and school starts at 8:55am.

Children are to enter through the classroom doors.

Once the children enter the classroom, they:


  1. Hang up their coats
  2. Wash their hands
  3. Place their name peg on their choice of food for lunch or put their lunch box in the cloakroom.
  4. Place their water bottles in the hydration station.
  5. Put their book bag in their tray.
  6. Start their morning challenge.



All children at St Edmund’s are offered a warm piece of toast or a bagel every morning when they arrive at school.



Children can bring their own healthy snack from home for break time, fruit will be available in school.


Reading is the key to other learning. We will listen to your child’s reading individually, in small groups and during guided reading every week. Please try to hear your child read every day as it will help them to improve their confidence and fluency. Children should bring their reading books and reading records into school each day, please ensure that their reading records are kept up to date and signed each time you read with your child.


Spelling lists given out on a Monday are either from the statutory word lists for year 1 and 2 or are linked to our work in phonics and handwriting. They are tested on the following Friday.


We have a number of rewards systems in class and in school to praise the children for their hard work, attendance and for making good choices. These include sticker charts, St Edmund’s Standards certificates, attendance rewards and messages home to parents.



Our class have PE every Thursday morning. Please ensure the children come to school dressed in their PE tracksuit and kit. Earrings and jewellery should not be worn on PE days.


In year 1 and 2, it’s important for your child to get to grips with maths in a very practical, hands-on way. They will be investigating, counting, playing number games and using everyday objects to help them solve problems and do simple calculations. You can help your child by referring to the maths parents’ booklet in the useful documents section. This booklet will help you to understand what methods of calculation the children are learning in class. It will offer ideas of quick games or activities that you can do with your children at home to help consolidate their learning, developing your child’s fluency in maths.


Children will be given spellings to reinforce their phonics every Monday. Please take time to look at the spellings with your child during the week to see how they are doing. They are also expected to read daily at home.

End of the school day:                                                                                                                                          

School finishes at 3:25pm, please collect your child from the classroom entrance.


I am really looking forward to working with you and your child this year and I am sure that together we can help them have a fantastic year, growing in confidence and knowledge. If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s progress please message me though Seesaw or email the school office - and I will reply as soon as possible.

 Mrs Nickson


Useful Documents



Year One and Two - Reading



Year One and Two - Phonics


Common Exception Words

Year One and Two - Common Exception Words


Year One and Two - Mathematics


Year One and Two - Handwriting

Useful Websites/Apps/Educational Programmes




Teach your monster to read (Phonics) -

Phonics Play -

Alphablocks - (34) Alphablocks - YouTube



Book Trust - Stories for kids online and fun games to play | BookTrust

Oxford Owl - Oxford Owl for Home: help your child learn at home | Oxford Owl



1-minute maths - 1-Minute Maths App | White Rose Maths

Numberblocks -

Jack Hartmann times tables -

Hit the button -


Extra Resources


BBC Bitesize -

Seesaw - Seesaw | Where learning happens

Cbeebies -

Go Noodle - Home - GoNoodle

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