Our School Council consists of nine children, two representatives from each year group from years three to five and our three house captains.

Children are nominated by their friends or can nominate themselves for the role and are asked to produce a short speech outlining why they would like to be a class representative and what they can bring to the role. After these hustings, classes then take part in a concealed vote to elect their two representatives fairly.

School Council Representatives meet with the Headteacher and the Pupil Support Manager each month to share ideas and discuss areas of development.  The representatives then feedback to their classes.

This gives all of our children the opportunity to share their thoughts and ideas about school life and how by working together as a community we can further improve St Edmund’s Catholic Primary School.

Previous School Council initiatives include:

  • Being part of the interview process when appointing new teaching staff
  • Deciding on which charities to support and developing money-raising ideas
  • Discussing the implementation of after-school clubs
  • Writing a school meeting prayer used at the beginning of every meeting in the school (school council meetings, staff meetings, governors meetings etc.)
Heavenly Father,
Bless us as we come together for this meeting in our school.
Fill us with your spirit and courage so that we might bring our talents and gifts to this important work.
Open our minds to the task at hand. Open our ears to each other.  Open our hearts to your will.
We make this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.

School Council Meeting Minutes




Pupil Parliament

Skelmersdale and Up Holland Pupil Parliament is held monthly at SHARES.  Each school elects two representatives to implement what they believe their local community requires. Pupil Parliament works to improve the areas of Skelmersdale and Up Holland through projects and fundraising. 

At our latest meeting:

Our Pupil Parliament representatives went to their first Pupil Parliament meeting. They learnt about Parliament- how it is run, the differences between the House of Commons and the House of Lords, what skills and qualities you need to become an MP and how decisions are made.

The children then had to nominate themselves for the position of Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and Secretary. They all voted using a ballot slip and the 3 children with the most votes took the positions. 

The children then put forward ideas to debate at the next meeting, one of our representatives suggested the use of more outdoor learning such as forest schools as an alternative to classroom learning. Other suggestions to debate included: should we ban dogs? Or single-use plastics? How should we support the homeless?

Both children enjoyed their time at Pupil Parliament and represented St Edmund's extremely well. They are looking forward to the next meeting.

Pupil Parliament






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