Welcome to Year Three and Four

Class Teacher: Mr Fitzpatrick

Our classroom is a positive working environment where praise and encouragement are used to motivate and support all the children. Learning is pitched to meet their own unique individual needs in order for the children to make the most of their schooling. Brilliant work and a positive mindset are always celebrated in class. Throughout the year, your children will be challenged to be the best they can be and are encouraged to take part in every aspect of school life. We follow the school values of showing consideration, care and courtesy to everyone and look forward to the new challenges and experiences are learning will take us on!

In Maths, we follow the White Rose Hub scheme of work. We practice our daily fluency through Number Sense. While in English, our curriculum is created to meet the needs of our learners through exploring exciting and innovating texts.

Reading Books:

Children need to bring their reading book and record into school each day. It is important that they are heard reading at home at least 4 times a week. This will help to improve their understanding of more challenging vocabulary when it is used in a different context. We are currently taking part in the reading challenge. The children will be rewarded with a bronze, silver or gold certificate depending on how many reads they complete this academic year – there are also some additional amazing prizes to be won!


The children will be given words from the year 3 & 4 statutory spelling lists to learn each week. They will be tested on a Monday each week. All spellings are accessible through the Spelling Shed app. If you require any assistance with this, please don’t hesitate to contact me for support.


On a weekly basis, your child will receive Spelling, Reading and a new multiplication family to learn. Spellings can be found on Spelling Shed and will also be sent out weekly. Children can also practice their multiplication and division facts by using the TTRS app. Reading records are checked weekly.


Our P.E day is a Thursday afternoon. Please ensure that the correct kits are in school because they may well be needed for after-school clubs. Hair that is shoulder length or longer must be tied up for safety reasons. Please remember no jewellery! We also take part in Swimming on a Thursday. Children will need a swimming hat, costume and towel – goggles can also be worn. We are so lucky to be able to start our swimming lessons this early on. Please ensure your child brings their kit every week.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to speak to me at the door or contact me over Seesaw. If you would like to book a face-to-face or a telephone appointment, please speak to Mrs Wild at the office.

Mr Fitzpatrick

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