At St. Edmund's Catholic Primary School we value the importance of sports on a great many different levels such as having fun, learning how to be fit and healthy and entering schools sports competitions.  All provides children with enjoyment whilst developing the physical aspects of their lives.  We use our Sports Premium Grant to fund trained coaches who work with the teachers in all areas of the curriculum to improve their physical skills in sports such as gymnastics, football, dance.  We also provide our children with the opportunity to experience a wide range of sports activities such as forest school, yoga, mini-wheelers and scooters to ensure they have a wealth of experiences which will hopefully encourage them to take sports further.

We are dedicated to the development of the child's physical being which then influences the total well-being of the child. Please read the Sports Premium Statement for this academic year which explains how we have decided to spend the grant this year. This is a working document and will be up-dated throughout the year.


Sports Premium Funding


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