The new Mission Statement was introduced to the children.  The staff and the children spent the day talking about the Mission Statement, its aims and how we could live the Mission Statement through our daily lives.  Once the day was over the children had a good understanding.

Introduction to the Mission Statement



































The school family has recently joined together to review our mission statement.  We discussed why we are a part of St. Edmund's and what was our purpose as a school.  

Our Mission Statement Day







What our school family thinks?

Our Children

Our EYFS Children's Thoughts


Year One & Two Children's Thoughts

The three most important things to us are:
•    Jesus is a part of our school family
•    Everyone is welcome
•    Everyone is respectful and offers each other a helping hand.

Our Year Three & Four Children's Thoughts





Our Year Five & Six Children's Thoughts





Responses from the Parent Questionnaire

What three things do you like about our school? 

  • We feel like we are part of a huge family. 
  • The staff are amazing and listen to my worries & go above & beyond to help in any way they can.  
  • The improvements around the school since Mrs Birmingham has come to the school are amazing!! 
  • Target 10, the teachers  
  • Swimming 
  • The Library 
  • Computer Room 
  • Small number of children in the classroom, with new head teacher can see more improvements in the school  
  • New structure of teachers/ Headteachers can see more improvements happening in the school. 
  • Small number of children in classrooms. 
  • It's good that the children have the opportunity to have swimming lessons from year 3. 
  • My children love St Edmunds and all the staff and all their friends and they have both come on leaps and bounds since joining the school so for that I am very grateful. 
  • No matter what the problem St Edmunds always finds a way to solve the situation. 
  • Always made to feel welcome. 
  • Everything, every person and all support through bad times was very satisfying with everyone and everything  
  • Teachers, headteacher and the school being a friendly environment 

 What 3 things would you like to see happen at our school? 

  • I'd like to see more things for the children to play with/ explore on the playgrounds. 
  • Family fundraising- raise more money for the school- for more experiences for the children 
  • After-school club, breakfast club  
  • An educational small quiz competitions between local other schools. 
  • More Educational Trips 
  • Monthly Parents Meetings 
  • Uniform compulsory across all the school 
  • For the children to have more trip's/day's out funded by parents not the school. 
  • More privacy for the pupils of the school (school perimeter) 
  • Refurbishment of the hall
  • More SEN teachers
  • Lovely school so don't need to be changed  
  • More trips a year, better school dinners 


Thank you for this opportunity for parents to give their points of view.  However, I think this Primary school is a great primary school but just needs little to no improvements, as you are asking in this parents survey. 

The school perimeter definitely needs more privacy so the pupils can play without worrying about strangers looking at them.  

Thanks for all. Viktor and I will always remember x 

Our Staff's Thoughts















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