Our School Meeting Prayer 

(Every meeting in our school begins with this prayer that was written by our School Council)

Heavenly Father,
Bless us as we come together for this meeting in our school.
Fill us with your spirit and courage so that we might bring our talents and gifts to this important work.
Open our minds to the task at hand.  Open our ears to each other.  Open our hearts to your will.
We make this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.

What are Governors and what do they do?

Governors are like a Board of Directors and make decisions about how the school is run. They meet at least once each term, usually at school.

Governors are appointed to help:                                        

  • Decide what is taught
  • Set standards of behaviour
  • Interview and select staff
  • Decide how the school budget is spent
  • Monitor the performance of our school
  • Monitor the performance of the headteacher

Strong and effective governing bodies:

  • Understand their role and how it complements that of the headteacher;
  • Have a clear understanding of the key issues facing the school;
  • Have a range of skills that bring something extra;
  • Work on enhancing their ability to understand data and what needs to be done where indicated by the data;
  • Wish to hear from middle leaders about their work and future plans and how these link to the larger school improvement plan;
  • Are a visible and welcome presence in the school;
  • Set challenging targets for performance at all levels and have high expectations;
  • Do not rely solely on information provided by the headteacher. 

Our Governing Body

Foundation Governors:

Mrs L Byrne  

Mrs A Forster 

Mrs S Oates - Chair of Children, Families and Community Committee

Mrs A Wright 

Mrs R Downing

Mrs B Coulton         

Mrs S Bickerstaffe - Chair of Resources Committee                    

Elected Parent-Governors:

Mrs S Jordan

Mr L James

Local Authority Governor:

Mrs E Heywood - Chair of Governors and Chair of Standards and Effectiveness Committee

Elected Staff-Governor:

Mr D Fitzpatrick


Mrs Annette Birmingham

Clerk to the Governors: 

Tracy Baldwin - Lancashire County Council 

Information about governors including their terms of office and how they were appointed can be found on the government 'Get information about schools'.  

The governing body reflects the diversity of the local area.

Governor Documents

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