Roman feast

Image of Roman feast

We had a Roman feast today. We had to lie down to eat the food like the Romans did. We tried celery, dates, pomegranate, figs and honey. We ate with our fingers like the Romans would have done. We didn't like it.... WE LOVED IT!!!

year 3 

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Image of Archaeologists

We looked at 3 different poos. One was a Stone Age poo, one was a Roman poo and one was a modern day poo. We were learning about what different people ate. We found carrots, sweetcorn and raisins in the modern poo. We found melon seeds, fish bones, mouse bones, olive stones and barley in the Roman…

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Roman shields

Image of Roman shields

We have created shields using cardboard and paint. We went outside and practised the Roman turtle formation and realised how tricky it would be to protect yourself in a battle! It was all about teamwork to stay safe! 

Year 3

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Roman day

Image of Roman day

Today we have been dressed as Romans! We have had lots of fun making shields, helmets, having a Roman feast and being archaeologists to find out what Romans ate. Thanks to all of the parents for their effort with the children's costumes. They all looked fantastic! 

Year 3

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Fair throwing

Image of Fair throwing

Today we have looked at treating people fairly. Miss Hulse asked us to throw screwed up paper in to the bin to become rich and happy but the bin was closer to some people. The people at the front got a better chance at getting the piece of paper in the bin and the people who are at the back didn't…

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Wire art

Image of Wire art

This week we have been looking at art made from wire. We made our own flowers out of colourful wires to fit in with our garden theme this term. We tried hard to bend the wires and make them in to flower shapes. Ours were fantastic and had lots of detail. 


Leah and…

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cookery club

Image of cookery club

This week we have been making smoothies in cookery club with all different fruits. They were tasty and sweet. It was fun. We used apples, bananas, blueberries, strawberries, grapes, oranges and orange juice. We put sparkly umbrellas in our drink. 

By Aimee and…

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Perfect Planters

Image of Perfect Planters

This week, we were measuring 10cm onto a piece of wood and after that we had to use a saw to cut the wood. We had to design in our books which colours we would like. Mine will be red, white and blue (Lily-Rose) Mine will be blue and purple (Maisie) 

By Lily-Rose and Maisie. 

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Image of Magnets

In science this week we have been using magnets. We found out magnets don't have to touch something magnetic to attract it, they can attract some metals through paper and two sides that are the same repel each other. 

We also found out that not all metals are magnetic. 

By Year…

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Design Technology

Image of Design Technology

Today we were making different pop ups to see what we want to put in our own pop up books. One of them was a window flap and the other one is called concertina. In this picture I am cutting the window flap accurately. It was fun and a little bit scary but we followed rules to stay safe. 


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Emoji travels

Image of Emoji travels

This week we looked at how far our emojis travelled. We got 195 shares and we found the emojis travelled all over the UK, including England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. They also travelled to many different countries around the World. The orange stickers show how far the emojis travelled in the…

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Emoji investigation

Image of Emoji investigation

Today is Safer Internet Day. We made emoji faces and coloured them in. We are going to share the drawings on social media and see how far they can get over half-term. We think they will be shared 100 times and lots of people in England could see them. If you see them, please share!

By Leah and…

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